Friday, September 9, 2011


Hello and THANK YOU for reading my help guide ! I get asked this question almost everyday so I thought I'd write a short help guide on the subject. I realize this isn't for a large percentage of you BUT may be helpful for many others.
Generally it takesmost spells one full-moon cycle to start working into full spell powers (be it 1st quarter moon to first quarter moon, full-moon to full moon, and so on) , some start working right away, others may take longer. This would be from the date that you actually activated the spell doll, not when you bought it. There are too many unseen factors involved with positive and negative energies around the person using the doll to know any kind of time frame. Watch for smaller things at first with a money spell...something not charged onto a receipt , groceries suddenly lower last few weeks, gas cheapier in your area/more miles per tank of gas than usual, vending machine gives you two instead of one when you push the button, you find small amount of money or win small lotto cash prize, electric bill seems lower than normal....things of this nature are what the spell will start out as, then progress from there as long as spell user remains concentrated on their goals and doll remains activated with item(s) attached.
I have had several users claim to have things happened BEFORE ever activating the spell doll (found money, an ex-love called out of the blue, job promotion, pain in knees every morning was suddenly gone , things like this). These people are probably much more in-tune with their personal energies and surrounding energies knowingly or not. Of coarse , some spells take much longer to take place because of outside forces, unseen energies controlling things beyond what we see in front of our faces each day. Maybe the person you are wanting revenge on has a great amount of positive energy around him and YOU happen to have alot of negative energy around you. This would create problems.
Thank you for reading my help guide. I have over 500 WICCA

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