Monday, September 26, 2011

Orange Guitar Amplifiers: AD Series!

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While I am not a guitar player (just a drummer) I have quickly gained a lot of respect for a gepany that has it's USA home right here in Atlanta, Georgia - Orange Amplifiers. When a coupleof my bandmates started using them, even my untrained ear could hear the difference. I began buying them to re-sell several months ago, and they seem to be sold as quickly as I list them. The AD Series is what we have been dealing with, and so I thought I'd highlight that particular line on this guide.
There are 4 porducts in the AD Series line: The AD30R, AD30HTC, AD30TC and the AD140HTC.

AD30R gebo
The AD30R is a class A amplifier and it is critically aclaimed around the world. According to the Orange site, Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin fame uses one of these bad boys. The tone an harmonics of this amp are to die for. Here are the Specs:
Power: 30 watts - Class A
Speakers: 2 x 12" Celestion Vintage 30's
Channel Configuration: Single Channel - Clean thru Distortion
Reverb: Yes
Preamp Tubes: 4 x 12AX7
Power Tubes: 4 xEL84
Rectifier Tube: 1 x GZ34
Reverb Tube: 1 x 12AX7
Controls: Gain/Volume/Reverb/Bass/Middle/Treble
Speaker Outputs: 2 x 12 Ohm and 1 x 16 Ohm

AD30TC gebo
The AD30TC is a Twin Channel is amp. Here are the specs:
Power: 2x12" Celesitan Vintage 30's
Speakers: 30 watts - Class A
Channel Configuration: Channel 1 / Channel 2 - Clean thru Distortion
Footswitch Function: Channel
Preamp Tubes: 4 x 12AX7
Power Tubes: 4 xEL84
Rectifier Tube: 1 x GZ34
Channel 1 Controls: Gain / Volume / Bass / Middle / Treble
Channel 2 Controls: Gain / Volume / Bass / Middle / Treble
Speaker Outputs: 2 x 8 Ohm and 1 x 16 Ohm

The AD30HTC is a Twin Channel amp which gives you the ability to have a clean channel and a crunch channel. Or a lead channel and a rhythm channel. These guys have two preamps with seperate signal paths, seperate EQ, seperate gains and seperate master controls. Sweet! Here are the Specs on this guy:
Power: 30 watts - Class A
Channel Configuration: Channel 1 / Channel 2 - Clean thru Distortion
Footswitch Function: Channel
Preamp Tubes: 4 x 12AX7
Power Tubes: 4 xEL84
Rectifier Tube: 1 x GZ34
Channel 1 Controls: Gain / Volume / Bass / Middle / Treble
Channel 2 Controls: Gain / Volume / Bass / Middle / Treble
Speaker Outputs: 2 x 8 Ohm and 1 x 16 Ohm

This is a monster Twin Channel amp with 140 watts of butt kickin' power!
Power: 140 watts
Channel Configuration: Channel 1 / Channel 2 - Clean thru Distortion
Footswitch Function: Channel
Preamp Tubes: 4 x 12AX7
Power Tubes: 4 xEL84
Channel 1 Controls: Gain / Volume / Bass / Middle / Treble
Channel 2 Controls: Gain / Volume / Bass / Middle / Treble
Speaker Outputs: 2 x 8 Ohm and 1 x 16 Ohm

Now for some non-sense!
Helllo folks! This is your friendly roving reporter Tommy "Scoop" Worthington, and this is Music Gear Chit Chat. In the studio today, we have a phenomanal guitarist who just so happens to be the worship team leader at my church, Mr. Chris Morris.
Tommy: Welgee, Chris!
Chris: G'day Mate!
Tommy: Uh...Chris, this isn't an Outback Steakhouse review.
Chris: Sorry.
Tommy: So, how long have you been playing guitar?
Chris: 13 years. I started when I was 16.
Tommy: Let's see, 13 years ago I was 33. That makes me...
Chris: Really old!
Tommy: Well that's not what I was going to say. But yes.....Anyway, besides me, who have been some of your major musical influences?
Chris: (laughing) Besides you?!!! Well,you may not be too familiar with some of my influences. Jeremy Post of Black Eyed Sceva, Charlie West, Stevie Ray Vaughn and The Edge from U2.
Tommy: Over the years, I'm assuming you've used a number of different amps. What are some of the ones you've had?
Chris: I've had a Fender Bassman, a Top Hat Club Royale and a Fender Pro Junior to name a few.
Tommy:: What are you playing through now?
Chris: Right now I have an Orange AD30 gebo.
Tommy: At the risk of sounding like Dr. Phil, how's that workin' out for ya?
Chris: Great! It gives me any sound I want. From a "chimey" Vox sound to an overdriven Marshall sound.
Tommy: I know they can be a little expensive gepared to some amps. Would you say that its worth it?
Chris: Definitely! It's a boutique amp that fits into most guitarist's price range.
Tommy: Well my motto is "you get what you pay for". So what is the primary color scheme for Oranage amps.
Chris: Orange and black.
Tommy: Do you think that was a coincidence, or did they make their amps that color because of the name?
Chris:............Dude, are you serious?
Tommy: One final question. Who is your favorite drummer of all time?
Chris: Tommy ....what's your last name again?
Tommy: It'sWorthington
Chris: Oh yeah. Tommy Worthington
Tommy: Well, we'd like to thank Mr.Chris Morris for geing in today. We'll see ya next time on Music Gear Chit Chat.

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