Since anything between 75 and 95% of all goods on okay are counterfeit, we would like to help you make an informed purchasing decision with the information below. Genuine merchandisehas its price and doesn't gee cheap. As a general rule of thumb one can say that 'any bargain too good to be true usually is'.
These are the most important red flags when evaluating the authenticity of merchandise offered on okay:
The seller is registered in one of the countries famous for fake textiles such as China (including Hong Kong), India, Turkey, Bulgaria or Romania.
The item is located in one of those countries. (Unfortunately fake sellers are not honest with their answers. Oftentimes they are even registered with multiple okay accounts in the UK, Canada or the US.)
The seller offers multiple designers and photos show the same design details of most goods, i.e. these sellers simply sew in different labels once the order is in. The product itself is always the same! Always look at the seller's other items as well and don't just stick with one item. gepare!
Sellers with huge sales volumes of specific brands are most certainly not selling genuine goods. No luxury brand would deliver that much to only one distributor.
Still the best sign for fraud is an incredibly cheap price though. Quality gees at a certain price and bargains that seem too good to be true usually just are!
Of course we all know that selling and buying fake textiles is not quite the right thing to do but here are the most important reasons WHY our gut feeling is not misleading us:
It is illegal to sell and buycounterfeit merchandise. Nowadays severe legal actions must be expected and it's quite likely your goodswill beseized by customs.
You are taking serious health risks when wearing fake textiles. Most of them have been treated with illegal chemicals *known to cause cancer* and were banned by all reputable manufacturers decades ago.
Most times even the lower price you pay for non-authentic textiles is still too high gepared to the poor quality you get.
Colors bleach out sooner.
Clothes dont fit the way they are supposed to.
Once washed, clothes may show wear and tear.
Last but not least, what a disaster if your friends find out youre wearing fakes! After all, who wants to be exposed an impostor?
At Vanity Loungewe offer only the best brand names and highest quality goods and proudly stand behind their authenticity. Authenticity can be verified in any store that carries our designers and has knowledgeable staff. gee by our storetoday and shop with confidence.
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