Saturday, September 10, 2011

Getting the most from a Cox Model Deal

Hi Gang! Welgee to my first E-bay Guide! The purpose of this guide is to get you familar with Cox Model Products that were produced from the early 1950's on thru to the 1980's.
I'm sure most of you had some experience when you were young with these models. Mainly for the boys, but some girls too, enjoyed many hours with thier Cox airplanes or Cox tether cars,race cars, or electric slot cars.
In themid sixties, I grew up in a town called Westminster,California. I rode my Schwinn Stingray bicycle all over the place. One day, a friend of mine named Allen came by and wanted me to go with him to a place. He wouldn't tell me where or what it was just to follow him. Well, we ended up at L.M. Cox maufacturing Co, in Santa Ana,California. A long ways from Wesminster on a sting ray,let me tell you!. Anyways, I've been hooked every since that day on Cox Model cars,planes,boats, and slot cars! They are really something!
Well, nothing lasts forever, as it was with Cox. Mrs. Cox past away and Mr.Cox sold his factory to Liesure Dynamics. It got downsized a great deal and was being run in Corona,Ca. for a while. Then it got sold again and moved to Primrose, Colorodo next to Estes model rocket gepany.
I feel what took it's toll was all the Video games and Playstations that the kids are playing with nowadays. Also, several lawsuits from kids getting thier fingers chopped off from the Cox model airplane engines. These plastic propellors are sharp and the engines are fast and powerful with speeds over 14000 rpms! These models need adult supervision,no doubt about it.
Anyways, now the Cox planes,cars,boats, and tether cars and slot cars are getting to be a collector's item.Cox modelsthat once sold for $12.95 at your local K-mart, are now worth 100-200 USD in some cases.The age group has increased too, with many older guys flying, racing and collecting.
Things to look for: A car or plane is worth much more if it is geplete. If you are buying or selling a Cox product,DO NOT THROW AWAY THE BOX!!! It has graphic images of the way things were in Rural America in the 50's and 60's!! A geplete Cox model in it's original box with instructions,tools,etc. is worth much more than an ingeplete one.
Also don't be discouraged if you don't have the box or instructions,or if parts are missing. There are many collectors out there that will buy your "parts" Cox model for spare parts on a Cox project they are working on. The decals, instruction sheets,the box itself,engines, wings,fuselages, or what have you, can all be sold separately. Granted, you wont get as much money, but someone will still buy it. Just keep your reserve low enough and watch us do battle!
Most of these Cox engines are stuck or frozen from sitting around with dried fuel and get gummed up over time. This is perfectly fine. A little 3 and one oil or soaking in alchohol will free them up usually. Sometimes they must be dissassembled if they get really stuck. This is to be expected and is nothing to worry about. DO NOT TAKE PLIERS and try to turn your Cox engine!
If you MUST free the engine up because you feel you have to, use a light oil such as WD-40 or 3 in 1 oil and squirt it directly into the cylinder and around the propellor backing. This will get the oil into the crankshaft area. Also, Airplane fuel works real good. DO NOT USE GASOLINE ON ANY COX PRODUCT. These models ran on a fuel that was based on alcohol, nitromethane, and Castor oil. Castor oil gees from a bean.You can by fuel online at Tower Hobbies.Good Luck and God Bless America.

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