Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gucci watch-real or fake?

I got a Gucci watch a while back, don't know too much abt watches, but I know Gucci is often faked. how do I tell the real from the fake? I'm embarressed to admit that I saw a show a while back that showed how to tell the fake Gucci's, but can't remember a thing I heard. old timer's disease. lol. anyway, it's square, with a troff (sp?) around the bezel, and there's no numbers. the face is "mood stone", in that it changes color with temperature change. Gucci is written at 12;00 and something tiny is written at 6:00. the back says Gucci and has an emblem of some sort but my jeweler's loop went walking yesterday and these old eyes aren't cooperating with a regular magnifying glass. that's all I can tell you abt it until I find where I hid my loop from myself...

Orignal From: Gucci watch-real or fake?

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